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  1. 林名男, 許秋田, 林俊龍: 社區老人的身心靈照護及健康促進-以慈濟環保站為例. 蘇州老年醫學暨老年健康博覽會, 蘇州. 2013.
  2. 林名男: 健康促進醫院與民眾健康之重要性. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會102年度學術研討會.
  3. 林名男: How to promote 15 by 2015 in Taiwan? 台灣家庭醫學醫學會102年度學術研討會.
  4. Lin Ming Nan: WHO HPH Recognition Project - Quality Plan & Implementation. 21st International Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) Conference. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013.
  5. Lin Ming Nan, Lin Tin Kwang, Lin Chin Lon, Weng Chia Ying, Hsu Chiu Tien, Chen Chih Wei, Wong Shu Shu. A nono intervention program for mental and spiritual health promotion of elder volunteers in recycling station in Taiwan. 21st International Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) Conference. The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2013.
  6. Ming Nan Lin, Hui Ya Huang, Chin Lon Lin, Tina H. T. Chiu. The effect of the vitamin B12 supplement on the plasma homocysteine level in vegetarians. The 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN). Loma Linda CA. 2013.
  7. Ming Nan Lin, Tian H.T.Chiu, Hui Ya Huang, Wen Ling Liao, Chin Lon Lin. Osteoporosis and osteopenia in vegetarians and omnivores in Taiwan. The 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN). Loma Linda CA. 2013.
  8. 朱正偉,張毓珊,何宇淳,林名男: 嘉義縣某鄉鎮國小高年級學童肥胖因素初探. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會102年度學術研討會.
  9. 顏佐樺,林名男,黃慧雅,林俊龍. 素食飲食型態及幽門螺旋桿菌感染對維他命B12營養狀況的影響. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會102年度學術研討會.
  10. Ming Nan Lin, Tina H.T. Chiu, Chin Lon Lin. Vegetarian diet diet is associated with lower prevalence of diabetes in the Tzu Chi Health Study in Taiwan. American Public Health Association (APHA 2012) San Francisco, CA.
  11. Ming Nan Lin, Wan Ru Tsai, Yun Hsuan Tseng, Shaw Ruey Lyu, I Huwa Chang: E-Portfolio and Knowledge Management System for Resident Training Program : Preliminary Experience of a Regional Teaching Hospital in Southern Taiwan. 19th Wonca Asia Pacific Regional Conference International Convention Center Jeju, Korea.
  12. Ming Nan Lin, Chia Ying Weng, Chiu Tien Hsu: An examination of compassion in relation to psychological health in elderly recycling volunteers. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education (2012 APHPE).
  13. Hui Ya Huang, Ming Nan Lin, Stephanie Yu Ching Chen. Health Promotion in Community- Factors of Falls in Geriatric Citizens in Rural Community Care Services Stations. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education (2012 APHPE).
  14. Huang Hui Ya, Lin Ming Nan, Chen Chun Po: The Effect of Outreach Community cervical cancer Screening Program in Rural Area - Reorient the Services of Health Promoting Hospital. The 20th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services, Taipei, Taiwan 2012.
  15. 林名男: Community Medicine Traning for PGY Residents in Taiwan. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 101年度學術研討會.
  16. Ming-Nan Lin: Evaluation of Family Medicine program in Taiwan. 18th Wonca Asia Pacific Regional Conference Philippines 2011.
  17. 林名男: 家庭醫學科住院醫師訓練學習歷程紀錄平台-大林慈濟醫院經驗分享 E-portfolio System for Family Medicine Residents-Experiences of Dalin Tzuchi Hospital 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 100年度學術研討會。
  18. Hui-Ya Huang, Ming-Nan Lin: Comprehensive Primary Health Care for Rural Population in Southern Taiwan. 18th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services. 2010
  19. 黃慧雅、陳冠如、林俊龍、林名男:補充維生素B12對素食者血中同半胱胺酸濃度之影響。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十九年度學術研討會 
  20. 林名男、陳冠如、林俊龍、黃慧雅:慈濟飲食與健康長期世代研究-飲食型態與血中同半胱胺酸、C-反應蛋白濃度與脈衝波速探討。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十九年度學術研討會
  21. 林名男、曾雲璿、方貴英、黃慧雅:社區複合式篩檢之效益評估-高血糖、高血壓及高血脂。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十八年度學術研討會
  22. 黃慧雅、曾雲璿、張怡雅、林名男:社區複合式篩檢之B型肝炎與C型肝炎效益評估。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十八年度學術研討會
  23. Huang HY, Lin MN, Lin CL, Lai YL, Chen CP: Integrated Community Screening Program-Cooperation of Health Promoting Hospital, Community and the Government. The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education. 2009 
  24. 黃慧雅、林名男、劉鎮嘉:素食者與雜食者心血管疾病危險因子與脈衝波速之關係。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十七年度學術研討會
  25. 黃慧雅、曾雲璿、張怡雅、林名男:社區複合式篩檢之B型肝炎與C型肝炎效益評估。
  26. 黃慧雅、林名男、劉鎮嘉:素食者與雜食者心血管疾病危險因子與脈衝波速之關係。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十七年度學術研討會


  1. 陳世琦:末期病人的精神治療。101年度第一次南區安寧療護院際研討會。


  1. Ming Nan Lin, Hui Ya Huang, Chin Lon Lin, Tina H. T. Chiu. The effect of the vitamin B12 supplement on the plasma homocysteine level in vegetarians. The 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN). Loma Linda CA. 2013.
  2. Ming Nan Lin, Tian H.T.Chiu, Hui Ya Huang, Wen Ling Liao, Chin Lon Lin. Osteoporosis and osteopenia in vegetarians and omnivores in Taiwan. The 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN). Loma Linda CA. 2013.
  3. 顏佐樺,林名男,黃慧雅,林俊龍. 素食飲食型態及幽門螺旋桿菌感染對維他命B12營養狀況的影響. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會102年度學術研討會.
  4. Hui Ya Huang, Ming Nan Lin, Stephanie Yu Ching Chen. Health Promotion in Community- Factors of Falls in Geriatric Citizens in Rural Community Care Services Stations. The 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education (2012 APHPE).
  5. Huang Hui Ya, Lin Ming Nan, Chen Chun Po: The Effect of Outreach Community cervical cancer Screening Program in Rural Area - Reorient the Services of Health Promoting Hospital. The 20th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services, Taipei, Taiwan 2012.
  6. Hui-Ya Huang, Ming-Nan Lin: Comprehensive Primary Health Care for Rural Population in Southern Tainwan. 18th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services. 2010
  7. 黃慧雅、陳冠如、林俊龍、林名男:補充維生素B12對素食者血中同半胱胺酸濃度之影響。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十九年度學術研討會 
  8. 林名男、陳冠如、林俊龍、黃慧雅:慈濟飲食與健康長期世代研究-飲食型態與血中同半胱胺酸、C-反應蛋白濃度與脈衝波速探討。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十九年度學術研討會
  9. 黃慧雅、曾雲璿、張怡雅、林名男:社區複合式篩檢之B型肝炎與C型肝炎效益評估。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十八年度學術研討會
  10. 林名男、曾雲璿、方貴英、黃慧雅:社區複合式篩檢之效益評估-高血糖、高血壓及高血脂。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十八年度學術研討會
  11. Huang HY, Lin MN, Lin CL, Lai YL, Chen CP: Integrated Community Screening Program-Cooperation of Health Promoting Hospital, Community and the Government. The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education. 2009 
  12. 黃慧雅、曾雲璿、張怡雅、林名男:社區複合式篩檢之B型肝炎與C型肝炎效益評估。
  13. 黃慧雅、林名男、劉鎮嘉:素食者與雜食者心血管疾病危險因子與脈衝波速之關係。台灣家庭醫學醫學會 九十七年度學術研討會