1. Pelvic exenteration for male patients with locally advanced rectal cancer: A morbidity analysis of complicated cased. Asian Journal of Surgery.(SCI) 2010 accepted 第一作者
2. Open cholectomy versus laparoscopic-assisted colectomy supported by hadn-assisted laparoscopic colectomy for resectable colorectal cancer: a comparative study with minimum follow-up of three years. Hepato-gastroenterology 2009/07;56(93):998-1006 (SCI) 通訊作者
3. Laparoscopic anterior resection for rectosigmoid cancer: patient outcomes after implementation of a clinical pathway. Asian journal of endoscopic surgery. 2010/02;3(1):14-17. 第一作者
4. Surgical outcomes of Crohn’s disease: A single institutional experience in Taiwan. 中華民國大腸直腸外科醫學會雜誌 2009/03;20(1):1-6. 第一作者
5. High-grade large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma concomitant with tubulovillous adenoma of the ampulla of Vater: a case report. 慈濟醫學 2006/08;18(4):315-318. 第一作者
6. Clinical experience in 89 consecutive cases of chronic radiation enterocolitis. Journal of Chinese medical association. 2010/05 accepted.(SCI) 第三作者